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All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

6 years old

You can afford
By. Richard Faykosh

Yes! The city counsel has told the homeless community that It could not raise the funds for a homeless shelter. But it could afford to raise money for the statues at the park by the Gail Borden Library? So City Counsel Let a 8th grader tell you how! Put on a five-cent sales tax on alcohol Beverages. Since you seem to think that all-homeless people are drunks. Let that tax fund the shelter or help fund it.

Then how about those people that still drive a car using hand held cell phones that takes their minds from driving a car that causes accidents. A $50.00 fine could also raise some needed funds. You have the tools to raise the money for a homeless shelter. There is grant money that could be used to help along with the cell phone law and the tax on alcohol. Phone lines being burnt by a homeless person was talked about. Darn it! If that one person could have went to the Elgin Homeless Shelter then that person may not have had to start a fire to stay warm.

And then you would not have had such a problem. If you’re not part of the solution, Then your part of the problem. Dear Lord! What will it take to wake these people up! How long are they going to persecute the homeless for being homeless? Or will it be worse for Elgin then it was for Sodom and Gomorra at the time of Judgement. I have looked at the way this city has always wiggled its way out of a homeless shelter. And it looks so good that the city just might do the right thing then it just turns around and does the negative thing.

The City of Elgin just makes me realize how really mule headed people can be, when its blinded by the greed and sad path this city is going.

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"Fairy Tale or Dream"

By Joyce

If a dream could come true, for Richard, he would say that would be a new Homeless shelter, that every Man, Woman, and Child had a nice warm place to stay, with a Kitchen for three meals a day, a place to train for jobs.

A program for different Addictions, plenty of rooms with comfortable beds, A chat or group therapy room would be great also. It has occurred to many other people and me. That if we have the money for new recreation centers and new Library's, that will be costing Millions.


Don't we have the money for a new homeless shelter, could it be lack of caring or interest, because most of us have jobs, homes, heat etc?

That we don't know or Care, what it is like to live on the street, hungry, cold, alone. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Please let us know what you think! Thank You,
With Love Joyce
Pager 868-8730
Email address TRINITY20@aol.net

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR



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If you would like to volunteer. Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

Lets look at this for a moment: BY Richard Faykosh

On Sunday Jan 20th Phone service was cut to many Elgin residence. Of course it was burnt from a fire under the bridge. Where clothes and camping equipment and also was reported that some personal documents were discovered. The cost at date of this accident is estimated at $500,000.00.

Now with everything that was located under the bridge would make any Elgin resident say, (Its those nasty homeless people again) But lets look at this point for a second.

If the residence of Elgin would have let a homeless shelter been built then someone would not have been under a bridge starting a fire to stay warm, now would they?

And if the money spent on repairs were for a homeless shelter, $500,000.00 would be a pretty nice shelter.
So in this fact Elgin just kicked themselves in the seat of the pants again. We could become the dumbest city in the world.But the one thing that will stick out is, it was the homeless, that the city of Elgin refuses in helping. Because of the thoughts 35 years ago were. We do not have a homeless problem. We do not have the funds to support a shelter. But the truth in the matter is that you not only have the money. But have the means to get more money to do the thing.

The Courier news had an article By Anne Marie Apollo; High traffic raises death toll in Kane.

In this piece the use of alcohol and drugs was part of the problem (Its also a problem among the homeless) But how many of these accidents were part of hand held cell phones.

That there are new laws across the country popping up on this problem. So why not add a increase tax on alcohol to fund a shelter and put in effect a hand held cell phone law of a $50.00 to $100.00 fine to help support a shelter.

So has our city counsel all of a sudden got stupid? When there will be an election soon. Who will the homeless people vote for this year? When the homeless rate has increased by 50% this year. So you may be talking about 100 known votes. To 300 unknown votes, You could win a spot with 400 votes right? Lets quit our playing around and do something about it.

By R. J. Continued From Last Month.
So Eddie put an impression on me that just cried for help. And I could not help him. We talked about where he might be in the coming weeks. He had this concern that he would fall into the same rut other homeless Men had fallen into. And that would be the bar scene. He told me that he felt that the homeless thing was really too much for him and that he was having a real problem dealing with it. He knew that he could not go to his family for help.
He felt that he just could not trust many people. And I did understand that. As Eddie walked away I hoped that I could see him again. And I did try to send him to places that just might be able to help him. But with him not trusting people any more I felt it was very slim for him to get much help. It really hurts to feel that your hands are tied when you meet people that just need a little boost.

Poem # 1

BY R.J. 4/5/91

Here I set in misery,
Wondering where I shall go,
For they tell me,
Go back from once you came.
You see I’m homeless,
The reasons that I’m too blame,
But your help is needed,
To lift me just a little bit.
Jobs you can get,
But they don’t pay,
For the Rent and such today.
Rents too high,
That only a big buck,
Job will sustain you anyway's.
You see I’m homeless,
For no ones choice,
I need the job,
That will pay,
So I can be living inside today.
Do you have an answer for me?
Or do I look elsewhere?
Being Homeless is a hard way!

Poem #2
Down Praying!:

By R.J. 1/30/02

Frozen crystals of breath,
Cold vapors of air.
Why is it that being in Elgin,
Where the people do not care.
Frozen Fingers frost bitten,
Skin Scales of the cold.
That is why the Homeless,
Has just given up.
Sadden eyes,
Of the Homeless children.
Dammed to suffer bitterness,
As the City Counsel goes home.
Can not find the funding,
Do not want to support the place.
When hand held cell phones,
Cause death on the street.
Can not find the funding,
Do not want the place.
Alcohol taxes could build the base.
Down praying for your souls.
The evil has you in his clasp!

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